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Teresa Verdecchio's Latest Release

Marble Surface

Keith Collins

Founder of  Generation Impact Ministries |

Founder of Impact Global Fellowship |

Host of "Maintain the Flame" Podcast | Charisma Podcast Network | iTunes

Condemnation is one of the enemy’s greatest weapons used against God’s people. It creates a sense of
failure, self-hatred, starting and stopping, religious performance, etc. It’s like a strong claw that violently
grips our hearts and refuses to let go. In Crushing Condemnation, Teresa Verdecchio unmasks this
destructive tool that is so craftily used to hinder God’s people from walking in the freedom that we are
granted in Christ. With unbridled transparency, Teresa reveals the steps of her path and shows through
personal experience what it means to walk in liberty. She also illuminates our identity in Christ and
points the way to glorious intimacy with Him that leads to true righteousness. This book is a powerful
roadmap that will be used to release many from the demonic influence of condemnation. Read it
repeatedly and allow the truths contained within to set you free!


Wendy K. Walters

Friend, Safe Place, Freedom Champion

Founder of The Favor Foundation |

Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker |

Author of Intentionality, Marketing Your Mind, and Selling Without Sleaze

Ghostwriter, Editor, Author Coach and Publishing Guide |

All of us are broken. Even those who appear to have it all together are or have been broken. Each of us
has weak areas where the enemy of our souls applies enough pressure to exploit that fragility and wrap enough deception around truth to leave us feeling unworthy, unfaithful, or unloved—condemned. In religious circles where we have been taught how to “take thoughts captive,” don the “full armor of God,” and walk in “the peace that passes understanding,” it can be difficult to admit areas where we need healing, let alone confront them. Teresa Verdecchio has been there and done that. It was hollow. It was a form of godliness that denied the power, rendering her church-culture acceptable without the freedom that comes from true heart transformation. That journey has led her to write Crushing Condemnation and its Companion Study Guide. Her passion for wholeness and connection to the Father without filters in between has guided her to share her process with you.


Heather Schott


Lead Pastor of Mercy Culture in Fort Worth, TX |

Founder and Lead Reformer of Justice Reform |

Author of Unscarred |

Teresa Verdecchio wrote Crushing Condemnation authentically and full of vulnerability to bring freedom and healing to its readers. This book is powerful—spiritually and practically. Whether the reader is looking for healing or knows someone who needs healing, these pages are laced with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to overcome. Encouragement, bravery, and liberty are found between its pages. Read and prepare yourself for a journey to face condemnation and win.

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